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What's your basecamp address?
Wilderness Trek
11 NM-50
Glorieta, NM 87535
What is Wilderness Trek all about?
We use adventure as a spiritual catlist in order to help teens, young adults and families grow into the people God calls each of them to be. As Colossians 1:27 says, “to make known..the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
What are the goals of Wilderness Trek?
Our goal is to prepare people and teach them the skills they need to be lifelong followers of Christ and lovers of God’s creation so that they may positively impact their families, community and everyone they come in contact with.
Every one of our trips focuses on helping people grow spiritually as well as leaders through four key elements. Connecting, Growing, Experiencing, and Challenge.
Where do your programs take place?
The majority of our trips take place in Northern New Mexico around Santa Fe, Taos and Red River, NM. Some trips also take place just over the border in Southern Colorado and even a few just to the northwest in Moab, UT.
How long has Wilderness Trek been around?
Wilderness Trek began in 1976 when a youth minister named Bobby Woods took 21 9th grade students into the mountains around Gunnison, CO. From the beginning many dedicated people invested themself and their resources into helping Trek grow. In 1986 Mr. Woods sold the Wilderness Trek concept to a non-profit board of directors making it possible for Wilderness Trek to become a full 501c3 non-profit organization with a board of directors for oversight. Since that time we have worked with many organizations such as Woods and Trails, The Christian Adventure Company, Wilderness Expeditions, and Glorieta Adventure Camps.
Are you the same group from Salida, CO years ago?
Yes. For over 25 years we operated in Salida, Co. In 2012 we moved to Northern New Mexico and started partnering with Glorieta Adventure Camps in 2018.
Are you a part of Glorieta Adventure Camps?
No, we are a separate 501C3 that partners with Glorieta Camps in order to accomplish more ministry. While we are blessed to be associated with Glorieta, we are a separate organization. Think of us as the Starbucks inside a Target.
Group Trips
What mountain will we climb?
Because we now work with each group leader to custom design meaningful experiences that fit each group’s needs, abilities, and group size this is a hard one to answer directly. We work with over half a dozen National Forest areas and have permits in New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Trip destinations are chosen two weeks before each trip and factor in group type, group ability, trail availability, forest closures, weather, and several other factors.
I’m a group leader, how do I pay my balance?
Please refer to “The Flybook Registration” section of the Leader Handbook. You will receive a confirmation email from The Flybook that includes a link to your account that shows your balance. It also has all of your paperwork (except for the Doctor’s Release form.
I’m a group leader. How many adult leaders should I bring?
One per trail group is all that is needed but here are a few ways to think about it. You will want invested adults to help your students take their lessons and experiences home. A Wilderness Trek program can be life changing and culture building. The right adult leaders can help bring those things back from the trip. You don’t want an adult to ruin the trip. Youth are sometimes more adaptable than adults so make sure you bring leaders who are excited to be on the trip and capable to enjoy the trip and its challenges.
Do the adult leaders count as part of the final number of participants & the price?
Yes they do. Everyone who will be going on a Wilderness Trek program from your group counts in the cost as well as the total group size. The same great experience, equipment and life changing trip will be provided to the leaders as is for the students. We define a group leader as anyone over 20 years old that comes with a teen group.
What do the adult leaders do on a group Wilderness Trek program?
If you come with some type of youth group as an adult you have one of the best jobs around! Your role as an adult leader is to develop positive relationships, encourage your group, provide wisdom, and be a positive role model in all you do. Because each teen trip is designed with teens in mind, this means that meals, experiences, and bible studies are all designed around what teens most need. Your role is to be a friend and encourager for the teens. Your role is NOT to supervise, make decisions, take control, be critical, talk negatively or to set a bad example in any way. ADULTS WHO MUST BE IN CONTROL OF EVERY SITUATION ARE NOT ENCOURAGED TO GO ON WILDERNESS TREK AS A GROUP LEADER. Group Programs are about the teens, not the adults.
General Trip Questions
What should I do about dietary restrictions/food allergies?
It is important that you let us know of all food allergies and dietary restrictions as soon as possible. We start planning trail and basecamp meals two weeks before you arrive at basecamp. Your students are prompted to report these on their health form attached to the waiver. If you already know of restrictions please send us an email.
What should I do with my medications OR my student’s medications?
If you have prescription medications or need help with their medications there are a few things you can do to make sure that student is well taken care of. 1) Make sure the medication is clearly labeled with their name. 2) Make sure it is clearly labeled with the dosage amount and times. 3) Be sure to communicate to Wilderness Trek any special instructions or information they may need to know. *Wilderness Trek does not take up or give out medications but does need to be alerted each time students take their medication.
If we are flying, what airport should we fly into, and do you provide a shuttle?
Santa Fe Regional Airport (40 minutes from basecamp) or Albuquerque International Sunport (60 minutes from basecamp) are the two near us.
Group Program – We do provide a shuttle service for an additional cost. $400/15 passenger van (round trip) for the ABQ Airport and $150/15 passenger van (round trip) for the Santa Fe Airport.
Individual Program – Fly to the Santa Fe Regional Airport. Your shuttle is provided in your price. Arrive no later than 2 pm on the program start date. We will bring you back to the airport at 8 am on the program end date.
Should I bring cash for anything?
You are welcomed to bring extra cash for our basecamp store, on campus coffee shop, or other miscellaneous items. Our basecamp store also accepts credit card and debit cards. Individual trips may want to bring some small money for travel days and any snacks or drinks they may want to buy in route to their trip.
We’re going whitewater rafting; should we tip those guides?
Yes. We partner with New Mexico River Adventures for whitewater trips. They are an awesome company with great guides (best in New Mexico)! Tipping your whitewater guide $5-$10 per person is the average rate. Please help us treat NMRA and their guides well.
I’m an individual, how do I pay my balance?
If you are coming on one of our individual trips then you should have received a confirmation email once you signed up for your program. The link to The Flybook registration is in that email and you can pay your balance and sign your waiver there.
If you are an individual coming with a group, then please get with your group leader. Depending on how your group is set up, you may pay your group leader or pay us directly. Your group leader will help guide you through the process.
Do I need to be in shape to go on a Wilderness Trek program?
Hiking in the mountains, backpacking, rappelling, rock climbing and many of the events we offer require participants to challenge themselves. Doing anything at 8,000-12,000ft to people from lower elevations is sometimes difficult. We recommend people start walking, working out or being active before their trip and be “in shape”. If you cannot walk 3 miles without stopping on flat ground, you will most likely struggle with a 40-60lb backpack at altitude on uneven ground. While we strive to make every trip attainable for “the average person” and keep our activities appropriate, the reality in some people underestimate the challenge and struggle. Traveling through the mountains is hard (that’s the point!). Wilderness Trek is not for everyone but for those wanting a challenge it is a life changing experience.
Base Camp
What do we do when we arrive at the Glorieta Basecamp?
There may or may not be someone attending the gate. Either way, give us a call when you arrive and we’ll meet you at the entrance. The basecamp is a big place so it is nice to have an escort across campus. 505-629-0043.
What are the facilities like at base camp?
Our Basecamp at Glorieta Camps is an awesome place and we’re so blessed to operate there! We have access to lodges, rustic cabins, the dining hall, and some activities. The minute you step on basecamp, we cover all food and lodging. You will have access to restrooms, showers, and depending upon your preference and our capacity you will be sleeping in a bunk room or in a tent.
Will there be cell phone service at base camp or in the backcountry?
There is cell service at basecamp, but the quality between carriers can vary. Verizon gets the best coverage. There is no service in the backcountry. Our staff carries satellite communication devices and are in contact with our basecamp staff every day.
Will I have access to WiFi at base camp?
Some of the lodges at basecamp have wifi and some don’t. If a leader needs wifi, we can get you access. Students will not be provided WiFi access.
What else goes on at Glorieta Adventure Camps?
So much… Glorieta Adventure camps operate their own Family Camp, Day Camp, Group Camp (for youth groups), Conferences, Retreats, Free Minister Retreats, Races, and Events. Checkout their website for more info about this other great organization!
I am dropping off my child for their individual program, is there a place I can stay nearby while they are participating in the program?
Yes. Please refer to the Travel Guide on our website.
Staff and Safety
What does training for the guides look like?
We begin each summer with two weeks of staff training. Those weeks are packed with trips, activity-specific training, Bible studies, policies review, 12-14 hour Wilderness First Aid certifications, LNT training, Child protection and abuse awareness training, background checks, bonding, and a little rest. Training doesn’t end when trips begin. We continue to strategically pair guides together, hold regular training, and reassess each guide’s knowledge to continue their education.
What about safety and emergency facilities?
Safety is a top priority. All of our full-time staff and summer staff have been certified in Child protection and abuse awareness training and have had over 100 hours of training and background checks before they work. Our trail staff also all carry at least a Wilderness First Aid certification which is typically a 10-14 hour course as well as training in our emergency operations protocols and policies. The closest medical facility to Basecamp is less than 6 miles away in Pecos, NM with major hospitals located 30 minutes away in Santa Fe, NM. While on the trail, we may be over an hour away from medical facilities. For this reason, all of our trips carry satellite communication devices and check in with basecamp operations regularly. In the event of an emergency, these devices allow us to connect with emergency services quickly.
Can I volunteer with Wilderness Trek?
Yes! Volunteers are a huge blessing to our ministry. We can accept some volunteers around our base camp helping with things like cooking, cleaning, maintenance projects, trail building and office administration. Every volunteer must pass a background check and go through a Child protection and abuse awareness training. Unfortunately we cannot let volunteers go on trail with groups or lead any activity that requires certifications or training such as rock climbing.